Student Resolution Center Workshops

Please note that students are required to sign up for the exact class or workshop assigned to them in their outcome letter.

The classes listed are NOT interchangeable and attending an incorrect session will not complete the sanction assigned.
If you no longer have access to your outcome letter, please contact our office and we can resend it to your Rams email address.

Should you register for the incorrect class or need to cancel an existing registration, please contact our office.

If you have been assigned to take a Drugs, Alcohol and You (DAY) workshop.  Please contact the DAY Programs at 970-491-6053.  A list of the dates for the DAY Program workshops can be found here.  After linking to the DAY website, click on the section entitled DAY Program Psycho-Educational Workshops.

If you need a disability-related accommodation to participate in a workshop, please contact our office as soon as possible.

Thank you!
Student Resolution Center



Community Violations

Community Violations

Fake ID Impact Class

Fake ID

Party Partners

Party Partners

Life in the Halls Workshop

Life in the Halls

Rams Around the Fort

Rams Around The Fort